Ceremony Only
Package One
Music for up to 30 minutes before
Entrance Music
Signing the Registers
Exit Music
Ceremony and Drinks
Package Two
Music for around 30 minutes beforehand
Music for entrance, registers and exit
Free Music Consultation
Music up until the meal
Quartet can relocate quickly
Ceremony, Drinks and Meal
'The Works'
30 minutes beforehand
Music for all parts of the ceremony
Music throughout the drinks reception
Music throughout meal
'Jukebox option' - have your guests choose the music
Drinks Only
Package Three
Music as soon as your guests arrive
Quartet can relocate easily
Music throughout the drinks reception
Wedding Breakfast Only
Package Four
Music as soon as your guests arrive
Music throughout the wedding breakfast
'Jukebox option' - have your guests choose the music
Drinks and Meal
Package Five
Music as soon as your guests arrive
Music throughout canopes, photos
Quartet can quickly relocate
Music throughout the meal
'Jukebox option' - have your guests choose the music